August 2023 DFC Newsletter


It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over and that we are preparing to return to school, enjoy cooler temperatures, pull out our favorite DFC hoodies, and head back to Camp Hanes for the Fall Retreats. We can’t wait to see you all again soon, but until then, we wanted to send along some great tips to start your school year and update you on all the DFC has to offer this fall. 

Tips for heading back to school 

  1. PMA - Positive Mental Attitude! Every new beginning is exciting but also a little scary.  So remember to keep PMA top of mind.  To help you do that, reach out to a camp friend, create a daily intention, take a walk in the woods, or spread PMA by making a new friend a friendship bracelet.  

  2. Teamwork - Everybody needs a team. Remember that your team is there to cheer you on, help you find the courage to try new things, and support you when things are more challenging than expected.  It is a great idea to sit down before school starts and make a list of your teammates, those people you can rely on no matter what. Then, reach out to them, start a group text to support one another, or reach out individually and let them know you are on their team and hope they are on yours. Helping others always feels great. 

  3. Community - If you need a pick-me-up, remember you always have the DFC community. Check out our social media - Facebook Instagram,  register for the Teen or Family retreat (details below), or post your questions and concerns in our Parent Facebook group to get great, honest, real-life advice from your DFC family. 

  4.  Resources to help you at school 

REGISTER TODAY FOR THE TEEN RETREAT  - Spots are filling fast! 

Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors in High School will LOVE our Teen Retreat. Over the course of the weekend, teens will have the opportunity to take part in team-building activities, discuss and tackle teen-specific issues, and have loads of fun hanging out with other teens and supervised by experienced counselors (many of whom are living with diabetes themselves) and a dedicated team of healthcare professionals. For more information about Teen Retreats and to register, click here.


This annual event has taken off over the last couple of years.  Our family retreat allows families of children with diabetes, including parents and siblings, to share the camp experience. With active programming for the kids throughout the day, along with activities and learning opportunities for their parents, our Family Retreat is growing in popularity.  Family Retreat allows parents to share and network with other parents going through similar experiences with their children and helps foster a sense of community and a support system that families can rely on for years.  We are mindful to keep both groups (parents and kids) engaged separately to allow free expression of their thoughts and concerns.  We also program special activities to build family memories that our attendees cherish forever. For more information about Family Retreats and, click here. 

Join the DFC Team

If you can’t make it to the fall retreats but still want to help the DFC with your time, talent, or treasure, please check out the links below for ways to engage year-round. 

  • Click here to volunteer with DFC.  You can join a committee or a program team and help expand our community and spread the word about the DFC mission to transform lives through the power of community. 

  • Click here to donate to the DFC. Your gift makes our mission and programs possible. 

If you have any questions or want to learn more, please contact Gail at

See you this fall!